.au Domain name specific Registrant details Print

  • 15564

.au domain names have very specific requirements determined by .au policies, which are set by the .au Domain Regulator auDA. (http://www.auda.org.au)


With regards to our .au domain name Registration form, the details required for registration of a domain name are:


Registrant Name: Your company or personal name, usually just the name that matches your ABN/ACN.

Registrant ID: Your Australian Business Number or Australian Business Number or Registered Business Number.

Registrant ID Type: The type of ID as above.


Eligibility Name: This field is usually optional and whether it is required is determined by your Eligibility Reason for the domain registration, if in doubt just use the same details as your Registrant Name.

Eligibility ID: The corresponding ID number for the Eligibility Name if applicable, if in doubt just use the same details as your Registrant ID.

Eligibility ID Type: The type of ID as above.


Eligibility Type: The type of entity that the Registrant is, eg. Company or Sole Trader.

Eligibility Reason: .au domain names can either be:

1. An Exact Match, Abbreviation or Acronym of your Entity or Trading Name, OR

2. Close and substantial connection between the domain name and the operations of your Entity.


The close and substantial connection is defined as:

For com.au and net.au:

a) a product that the registrant manufactures or sells; or

b) a service that the registrant provides; or

c) an event that the registrant organises or sponsors; or

d) an activity that the registrant facilitates, teaches or trains; or

e) a venue that the registrant operates; or

f) a profession that the registrant's employees practise.


For asn.au and org.au :

a) a service that the registrant provides; or

b) a program that the registrant administers; or

c) an event that the registrant organises or sponsors; or

d) an activity that the registrant facilitates, teaches or trains; or

e) a venue that the registrant operates; or

f) a profession that the registrant's members practise.


If you would like more details about .au domain eligibility please see this document on the auDA website:



OR all published policies at:


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