Why did I receive an email about Verifying my Domain (ICANN)?

  • Thursday, 11th May, 2023
  • 03:09am

When you first purchase a domain you provide contact information for the domain. The information record is known as WHOIS data and it can be used by the domain supplier to contact the owner with any updates regarding the domain name.

The organization that stores the records is named the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or ICANN for short. Due to their updated policy (which can be viewed here), all accredited domain owners are required to verify the contact information listed in their WHOIS data.

You could receive an email detailing the information of the ICANN Policy update and how to verify your information. If you are unclear if the email is legitimate or spam please do not hesitate to contact us to verify the email you received.

ICANN and the Domain registrar may place your domain under suspension or deletion if the confirmation process is not completed. It is imperative to pay attention to the emails you receive from your Domain registrar to ensure suspension or deletion does not occur.

Here is an example of what you might receive from your Domain Registrar:

Subject: VERIFICATION REQUIRED – Please Verify your domain name(s) as soon as possible.

**Please note: failure to complete the process outlined below will lead to the suspension of your domain name.**


Recently you registered, transferred or modified the contact information for one or more of your domain name(s).

ICANN requires all accredited registrars to verify their new contact information.

You can read about ICANN’s new policy at: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/raa/approved-with-specs-27jun13-en.htm#whois-accuracy

The following domain will be suspended in 10 days (Amount of days may change depending on when the notice was sent.):


You will have also received this notice if we could not successfully deliver a WHOIS Data Reminder Policy email or a renewal reminder notice.
In order to ensure your domain name(s) remain active, you must now click the following link and follow the instructions provided:

(A unique URL will be placed for you to follow)

Failure to follow the above link and complete this process will eventually lead to the suspension of your domain name(s).

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